Freaking *weird* dream, last night– we had home invaders in the walk-in basement (that we don’t have) and ended up having a heart-to-heart with the little sociopaths that STARTED with my chasing the ring-leader out of the house, insulting his intelligence, and ended when I was bully...
my room Can't take back the love that I gave you It's to the point where I love and I hate you And I cannot change you so I must replace you Easier said than done I thought you were the one Listening to my heart instead of my head You found another one But I am the better ...
When you are desiring with all your heart to be obedient to God… Even desiring… to desire that… I so pray that what I want communicated here is heard and that you join us in prayer and thanksgiving! “Hear my cry, oh Lord… And lead me to the Rock that is higher than I” ...
It is unusual for me to meet anyone my age or older who doesn't have some sort of prosthesis, whether it be a joint replacement or a heart stent or a pacemaker. What we all have in common is that a century ago our lives would likely either be literally over or at least so painful...
[205]George Mulross was one of those few men who have never written verse, but he was capable that moment if not of the execution at least of the sentiment which the more classical of my readers are weary of in Prom. Vinc. Chor. A. 1-19, Oh the god-like air! The depth and the...