I paid £80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse... 我花80英镑让人把我车上的收音机修了修,可我敢肯定,他们只是换了根保险丝。 来自柯林斯高阶英语词典 点击展开全部例句 词组搭配 1. change off To alternate with another person in performing a task. 交替:...
GEEPF 2022 pdf1.8 mb GEEPF 2021 pdf1.6 mb Italy General Electric Global Services GmbH Model 231 pdf303.0 kb INFORMATIVA PRIVACY FORNITORI di GE International Inc. pdf584.6 kb INFORMATIVA PRIVACY CLIENTI di GE Global Services GmbH, Italian Branch.pdf ...
Do I need to let my current supplier know I'm leaving? No, you don't. We do this! But we will need your meter readings. We'll be in touch with your old supplier to make sure they send you an accurate final bill.Guides to energy and beyondChoosing...
There's lots said about why climate change now confronts us, and what it means, but the real issue is what to do about it. Plenty is said about that too, but there's not enough discussion on the practical aspects of implementation. Focusing on energy, that's what my blog sets out ...
My new Amazon book Putting the Genie Back Recent Posts Future fuels, food and land use implications Assessing the gap Oil, gas(oline) and Route 66 Can Brazil balance oil and climate ambitions? The emerging EV wave knows no bounds In Brazil, land use change looms large I am also ...
Long-term temperature change and variability are expected to have significant impacts on future electric capacity and investments. This study improves upon past studies by accounting for hourly and monthly dynamics of electricity use, long-term socioeconomic drivers, and interactions of the electric sect...
蔡基刚《学术英语(理工)第二版》lecture 2-What YOU can do about climate change 上传人:2*** IP属地:湖北上传时间:2022-12-29格式:DOC页数:12大小:52KB积分:30版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩7页未读,继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领...
To avoid the worst effects of climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has called for the world to reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2050. Achieving this moonshot goal requires immediate and sustained action from all parts of society, includi...
从字面上看,这个词组的意思好像是变心,其实,这个表达的真正含义是改变主意。老外说 I have a change of heart 的意思是我改变主意了,如果你翻译成我变心了,可就误会大了。例:-What are you mad at?你在生什么气呢?-The general manager approved my plan in the meeting ,but he had a change of...
"As an AI, my purpose is to assist users like you in accessing information and knowledge about various topics, including those related to the environment, so that you can make informed decisions and take actions that align with your values and goals for a better and sustainable world," Chat...