Giving is the most fun you can have with money. And it’s a proven way to change your money mindset too. It moves you on the spectrum from selfish toselfless. I know you might feel apprehensive at first, or maybe you’re not taking me seriously. Just try it! Commit togiving back ...
They know that power structures that perpetuate the status quo and allow only incremental efficiency innovations are barriers to more radical experimentation. This does not imply a need for wholesale revolution, only continual renewal, as power is spread more widely and moves around the organization....
Free Essay: Tangerine is a book full of mystery, secrets, and danger. In the novel Tangerine, the protagonist, Paul, goes through many changes. He moves to...
In the Creative Problem Solving Process (See Slowing Down to Move Fast), the first important aspect of understanding the problem better, called “problem formulation” is to collect facts and information, driving us to ask more questions and consider more aspects of the problem. Some of this co...
With this linkage established, the encyclical moves into discussion of root cause responsibility, which is named generally as “consumerism” but when explored in more detail we see commentary specific to excessive consumption and overproduction. Politics must not be subject to the economy, nor should...
This chapter explores foundational issues around the meanings, creation, measurement, and continuous renewal of sustainable well-being societies. It begins with a probe into the long history of concern around advancing human well-being and follows with a
I would imagine if the whole country is like that, and then you look at the speed of business, say in the United States, and you go, "Oh, they're really slow." You're thinking faster. You're moving faster. You don't have six months to do a committee approval process. You have...
This new plan moves my planned departure from Luang Prabang up by a month, to just one week from today. It also means that Mike and I will be apart for a full 14 weeks before he arrives in Australia just before (hopefully) the birth of our second child. Mike will have to oversee th...
How did you gain access to these men’s families, and their trust? I approached it very differently than I would if I were to just write a story about the deaths. I was not looking for a quote, or a quick couple of lines to throw in a story to define a character. I really wante...
Instead of celebrating these developments and asking how we might more justly expand the good and minimize the bad, McLaren labels all this as a theocapitalist "suicide machine," born of the Enlightenment, and moves to "free us" from it. He denounces economic growth as an abstraction but re...