Throughout history, a powerful force has hindered the growth of human welfare and happiness. It is more powerful than the Mafia or the military. It has global catastrophic effects and can be found anywhere from the world's most powerful boardrooms to your local bar. It is human stupidity. ...
The military struggles with overweight, obesity, and related conditions similar to the country as a whole. The dietitians at Walter Reed Army Medical Center wanted to move toward a healthier menu in this large hospital dining facility. Attempting to change the mindset of a large and diverse ...
military and civilian vessels, the re-entry of satellites and spacecraft as well as the loss of industrial sealed sources have led in some situations to the release of radionuclides into the marine environment57(Box.5). In some cases, such accidents have led to the loss of nuclear weapons ...
I first want to say that you Mike are probably one of the smartest (probably a bit smarter than me) folks I’ve argued with in this group in how you can actually use your reasoning facility. So take a bow. You’re also like 100x more knowledgeable. You definitely have my respect. I...
Though Macron's recent posturing as a reincarnated Napoleon by calling on his fellow European leaders to send troops to fight alongside the Ukrainian military may have been nothing more than an ill - advised attempt to deflect attention from online conspiracy theories that his wife Brigitte is, ...
It short circuits the decision / thinking process and is based on the Military idea of “no thought actions” that are “developed in training” such that they become responses like “snatch back” when you touch something hot. Such automated responses in evolution are usually defensive in ...
According to an article at, the Minnesota Sports Facility Authority, which is the owner and operator of US Bank Stadium, recently approved 1.3 million dollars to complete the project. They will begin replacing the old turf in February of 2024, so it will be ready for the 2024 ...
A monumental, four-story-high pyramid that still stands today once housed the complex's radar system, although Congress voted to dismantle the military installation the day after it opened in October 1975. It was operational for just a few months before becoming decommissioned the following July ...
Over a century ago, coal was used widely to produce gas for lighting and heating and in two instances, coal has also been used to supply liquid fuels. In Germany during the Second World War, coal was steam reformed and then catalytically converted to diesel fuels for the military. The same...
Nerve agent (organophosphate) detection, symptom identification, and treatment has long been a priority for US military forces, agent storage depots, demil facilities, and now is becoming an issue at formerly used defense sites (FUDS) or in the case of Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), a former ...