步驟5.點兩下「ProgramFilesDir」並將預設值從「C:\ProgramFiles」變更為新的磁碟機路徑。 步驟6.點擊「確定」,關閉登錄編輯程式,然後重新啟動電腦。 額外技巧:如何變更 Windows 11 預設安裝資料夾 除了以上 4 種變更 Windows 11 安裝程式位置的方法外,變更 Windows 11 預設安裝資料夾以節省 C 槽空間也很重要。
Now, navigate to the location of the .ico file. Right-click on the .ico file and select ‘Copy as path’. Once the path is copied, it’s time to make the necessary changes to the registry. Open the Run dialog from your PC by pressingWindows + Rfrom your keyboard. ...
Microsoft Windows provides a varied number of applications for the different requirements of the users. But, there are some users who prefer to use a
Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster Windows 11/10, by default, saves screenshots to the Pictures folder. But if you wish, you can change the default save folder location for captured Print Screen image files to any other location by following this tutorial. ...
Back to Basics: How to change the default save location in Windows 11: Microsoft's Windows 11 operating system has a default save location for files that you download from the Internet or create on the system. The main idea behind these default directories is to...
Where Is the Startup Folder in Windows 10 The startup folder keeps shortcuts of programs that needed to run with Windows. You can find and access the Startup folder in Windows 10/11 through the following paths: The current users' Startup folder location is located at: ...
Save your ICO file to a location where it won’t be accidentally deleted, as Windows will reference this file for the icon. Is it possible to change the icons of pinned apps on the taskbar directly in Windows 10 and Windows 11? Directly changing icons for pinned taskbar apps is not ...
The default location for Windows 10 installation is C:\Program Files\Adobe. Please update this public forum discussion if you have any questions, or you face any errors with adjusting the install location. Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report More Reply ...
How to Change Default App via Windows 11’s Default App Settings The Windows 11 Default App Settings offer a centralized location to manage all file associations. This method involves navigating to the Settings app, where users can specify default applications for a wide range of file types ...
Active Directory error message "the following object is not from a domain listed in the Select location <forestB\username> Active Directory Error SvcErr: DSID-031A107A, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM) Active Directory Failing: Windows Naming Information Cannot Be Located Because: The interface is...