If i can change original linetype , we just change "LTSCALE" when i make drawing. Set your line type scale to 1.0 in model and paper space and don't mess with individual objects unless their appearance requires you to do so. https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/learn-explore/c...
If the new linetype is not loaded, the program tries to load it from the standard linetype library file acad.lin for AutoCAD or acadlt.lin for AutoCAD LT. If this procedure fails, use LINETYPE to load the linetype. Ltscale Changes the linetype scale factor of the selected objects. ...
Linetype scale Note: The custom display components in the display properties are identical to those listed on the Components tab of the 2D Section/Elevation Styles dialog box. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager. Expand Documentation Objects, expand 2D Section/Elevation Styles,...
Hi, I’m just learning to use AutoCad Web on IPad but the linetype doesn’t change when the line is selected. What can it be? thanks Reply Report Reply 39 Views 3 Replies Tags autocad web Custom Linetype ipad autocad ...
Change Part Line Type or Color in a Drawing Easily Rename Blocks Set Scale List Defaults Quickly moreTipster Narinder Sharma shows us a quick method for changing objects in AutoCAD to Bylayer. "I had to create an additional view of a piping and instrumentation diagram in one color, except for...
Folks, Here's a tough one. In ACAD 2006 and, it appears that the dimension arrow-head sizes change to a scale factor of 48 intermittently even though the...
just to update: starting with AutoCAD 2016 there is a new sysvar XREFOVERRIDE (>>>details<<<) which can adjust the display of referenced objects as like they were all created with color/linetype/lineweight/transparency = "byLayer". ... and all that without modifying the source drawing(s)...
Linetype Lineweight Linetype scale Node size Select the layout grid that you want to change, right-click, and click Edit Object Display. In the Object Display dialog box, click the Display Properties tab. The current display representation is displayed in bold. Select the display repr...