* @param string $name * @param string $type * @param string|string[] $prices * @return \Laravel\Cashier\SubscriptionBuilder */ public function newSubscription($name, $prices = []) public function newSubscription($type, $prices = []) { return new SubscriptionBuilder($this, $name, $prices...
With the release of Laravel 10, you might have noticed that the $dates property on your Model stopped working properly. It has been deprecated in favor of $casts, let me show you what to do.Here's an example:class Expense extends Model { protected $fillable = [ 'name', 'amount', '...
I updated to 7.2, it’s saying it did, on the host it confirms, but when I try to install Laravel it tells me it found 7.1. Any advice as to what’s going wrong here? Reply Alyssa Kordek says: March 2, 2020 at 4:04 pm Hello Sven, Thank you for your comment. I am happy to...
在laravel查询中选择行 、、、 我有两个表request和status_tracker。我想获取asset_request表中已reviewed(status=17)和approver_id =1866的记录,并获取status_tracker表中的changed_by '1877‘记录。我想要获取记录001(status.tracker.change_by=‘1866’),002(approver_id=1866 and status_ ...
Laravel 8.X Bootstrap 5.X Server Requirements PHP >= 7.4 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Testing We want testable softwares. Most parts of the software in the previous version 1.x were covered by tests. Lets cover version...
Step 1 : Install Laravel 5.8 first of all we need to get fresh Laravel 5.8 version application using bellow command, So open your terminal OR command prompt and run bellow command: composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog ...
Creating a new theme for your Backpack project is much easier. Follow this link for details: https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/6.x/add-ons-tutorial-how-to-create-a-theme.That's it for themes in Backpack v6! Choose the one that suits your project's needs, and enjoy the flexibility ...
我正在使用laravel-deployer包在服务器上部署我的项目。: &change_file_permissions | stage: build - composer install --prefer-dist--no-ansi --no-interaction --no-progress - cp .env.production .e 浏览51提问于2021-02-18得票数 0 1回答 Laravel 5.8至6.x升级错误-App\Exception声明\Handler::render...
Nuxt 3 Authentication with Laravel Sanctum Learn how to build a full authentication boilerplate with Nuxt, Sanctum and Fortify. This course covers everything you need to get started with authentication with Nuxt and Laravel. We’ll start by setting up a Nuxt project and configuring Laravel Sanctum...
3 Symfony and Laravel Patterns that Make Code Easy to Extend Without Modification 05-01 Drop all Service Tags in Your Nette and Symfony Applications 01-28 Why I Switched Scrutinizer for PHPStan and You Should Too 01-15 7 rad, které bych si dal před odchodem na vysokou školu...