People thanked me and wished me a good day. One neighbour shared a fun song, another sent a cute kitten sticker(猫咪贴图), and another sent me a funny meme(表情包).I thought to myself, “I've made so many people happy with just a few words. If each of us said one nice thing,...
The bunny air hugs COVID-19 meme is a good quarantine joke.Credit: courtesy jessica gall myrick "[I]'d be particularly curious to see how viewing those memes in more everyday social media scrolling impacts mental health, both for people who don't believe in the truth of the meme content...
Despite that I’m generally open to tabs now, I think we should not be amending Prettier’s default option value in v2.0. A change like this is too massive to be put through in the last minute without a long and well-advertised community discussion. ...
People thanked me and wished me a good day. One neighbor shared a fun song, another sent a cute kitten sticker (猫咪贴图), and another sent me a funny meme (表情包). I thought to myself, "I\ve made so many people happy with just a few words. If each of us said one nice ...
I firmly believe thatabove-average wealth is largely a result of luck– around 60% – 70%. If we fail to recognize our lucky financial breaks, we risk confusing our abilities with good economic times. This overconfidence can lead to poor decisions and increase the likelihood of financial ruin...
Julien: Yeah, I think if you work hard, a good product, and obviously not every event is going to be a home run. You can’t win all the time. But as long as it’s profitable the majority of the time, you should be in good shape. And I think that it should be somewhat easy,...
You judge my intention; is it good or bad? You know, you judge a haircut; bad. But you know you’ve got to figure out at some point that we unconsciously say, “I like a shirt I don’t like a shirt. He’s funny, he’s not. He’s this, he’s that.” It’s so automatic...
Oh, hell. Turns out — funny story bro — I can claim black (Bantu, specifically) based on 23 and me. Which is actually fairly ridiculous. I’m normal Mediterranean skin tone, not even dark. When I was young and spent the summer at the beach I turned the color of dark buttered toas...
s two out of three stations where the recorded temperatures would have been impossible or nearly impossible even in a world warmed supposedly by emissions of greenhouse gases. You’re telling me that this is good enough to put before a judge in order to force fossil fuel companies to pay ...
The general rule for the placement of French adjectives is that they follow the nouns they modify unless they fit into BAGS (learn more). Also, some are placed in front of the noun for stylistic reasons, such as in poetry. But there are a number of adjectives that change meaning depending...