Hello, when I download a app on my windows 10 computer it automatically installed under one drive folder that is bound to my hotmail account. The problem is that those apps are too big and it takes all space on my Onedrive. I decided to change installation folder to HDD on my comput...
I want to change the default install location for MSI from C:\Program files to some other drive Like d:or some other drive. How can I do it so automatically some other drive like D should come for the installation location. Can anyone help me?
Here is how to change default installation location of programs in windows 1- Get the application Install Dir Changer from the direct link given above. Once the application is downloaded, simply double click on it to run it. 2- When the application launches, click on En...
Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003: If the Bypass traverse checking user right is removed or is misconfigured on computers that are running Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003, Group Policy settings in the SYVOL folder will not replic...
For more information, see Sync your Windows device manually. After the policy is synced to the device from Intune, validate that the policy is on the device by looking in the registry. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\office\16.0\common\...
Change the location of the~directory in a Windows install of Git Bash. how do I change theHOMEdirectory in MSYS2? Quick summary OpenC:\msys64\home\my_username\.bash_profileand add this to thetop: # Change your home (`~`) dir to `C:\Users\my_username`HOME="/c/Users/$(whoami...
Windows 10 and Windows 11To open SQL Server Configuration Manager, on theStart Page, typeSQLServerManager16.msc(for SQL Server 2022 (16.x)). For other versions of SQL Server, replace16with the appropriate number. SelectingSQLServerManager16.mscopens the Configuration Manager. To pin the Configu...
Sounds to me the System is not on latest CU - because since this year the WMI-Hardening is enforced - more Details here:DCOM authentication hardening: what you need to know - Microsoft Community Hub Regarding MDE - as you know - for Windows 2012 R2 - MDE ha...
in the ‘default’ location and MSFS is ever uninstalled then all the downloaded content and community folder will get wiped. Similarly, if using the Windows Store advance app setting “Reset” or the Steam version of “verify files” this content, stored in the default locatio...
Here are the steps on how to use MockGo to change your location: Step 1. First, download the app onto your computer. Once installed, launch MockGo. Download for WindowsDownload for macOS Step 2. Next, click on Start, and connect your iOS device to your PC using a USB cable. Step ...