To change the indentation in VS Code: Click on the Spaces or Tab Size label in the Status bar at the bottom. Select Indent Using Spaces or Indent Using Tabs in the next menu. Select your preferred indentation level, e.g. 2, 4 or 8 spaces. I've set my indentation level to 2 spaces...
In many places, VS Code has settings that can be configured to make its behavior more like RStudio's. In the spirit of the RStudio Keymap extension (#669), we could provide an extension that changes VS Code setting defaults to provide a ...
It seems that the latest update to VS Code has changed how profile management works. Previously: I could quickly switch profiles by clicking on the profile button in the lower left corner and hovering over "Profiles" to expand a list of available profiles (indicated by an arrow). Now: The ...
8089 –Cannot indent a task without startDate/endDate under certain circumstances 8136 –Print error when gantt chart is collapsed 8151 –Crash when right clicking base line group column 8161 –autoEdit isn’t working for ‘% Done’ column FRAMEWORK SUPPORT TypeScript: >= 3.6.0 Angular: >= ...
How to indent my code How to insert ,update,delete a record in sql database using textboxs in visual basic how to insert a text into tablelayoutpanel cells with out using any controls.. how to insert combobox or listbox in a messagebox How to insert data into sql table using...
vscode.languages.setLanguageConfiguration('julia', {indentationRules:{increaseIndentPattern:/^(\s*|.*=\s*|.*@\w*\s*)[\w\s]*\b(if|while|for|function|macro|immutable|struct|type|let|quote|try|begin|.*\)\s*do|else|elseif|catch|finally)\b(?!.*\bend\b[^\]]*$).*$/,decreaseInden...
Fix formatting to indent subclasses for better readability. index.htm Update the version number to 1.4. Removed mention of Microsoft Word documents. (Post-release update, August 2018.) instgly.doc Content ported into Web page: tt_instructing_glyphs.htm. (Post-release update, August 2018.) ...
[no-unsafe-opt]" to the method comments - xml: added rendering settings indent-length, inline-attributes - cart: added support for cart archives (zlib-compressed rc4-encrypted files for malware transport) - gui: jeb assistant: can be used for decompiled classes to provide class and method ...
Is there a way to indent here-strings? Is there a way to paste HTML into Word and have it rendered? Is there a way to set Target Type when creating a shortcut to network folder? Is there a way to write a PSObject in a file/to disk? Is there any command can replace the CMD com...
4260: Code Model Broken on local var's 4256: Problem with FormDesigner 4248: *** BLOCKING*** Major MSBuild problems in VS2008 4237: IECI in JR .5.431 4231: Bad Auto-Indent when editor is set to "Keep Tabs" 4230: problems with low() on external enums 4228...