Volume Group name. Seelvm(8)for valid names. String See the option description for information about the string content. Size[UNIT] Size is an input number that accepts an optional unit. Input units are always treated as base two values, regardless of capitalization, e.g. 'k' and 'K' ...
A growing body of empirical evidence suggests that land use change, and the resulting decline in both the area and quality of natural habitats, contributes
The Value per Statistical Life implied by the WTP for the programs is € 1.1 million to € 4.7 million (2019 PPP euro), depending on the size of the mortality risk reduction valued by the respondent, for an average of € 1.6 million. This is a preview of subscription content, log in ...
The attribution allows for multiple drivers per event thus percentages add up to more than 100% (see Methods for details). In total 68.7% (72.1%) of the events (Cumulative GPP anomaly) can be associated with these climate drivers (median of the three datasets) with potential other drivers ...
Nature Climate Change volume 14, pages 402–406 (2024)Cite this article 36k Accesses 162 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Viable nature-based climate solutions (NbCS) are needed to achieve climate goals expressed in international agreements like the Paris Accord. Many NbCS pathways have strong scien...
The aim of this paper is to present a laboratory method determining the critical dissipated energy (CDE) per unit volume of homogenous-isotropic rock. In case of uniaxial compression it can be calculated easily with the difference of the... B Vásárhelyi,Á Deli,M Gálos,... 被引量: 3...
Volume change and permeability are strictly interconnected properties. As exemplified by Ord (1990), dilatancy or an increase in volume represents porosity increase, and therefore enhances the possibility of a fluid flow if permeability increases with porosity. This interplay can also be conceptually sum...
Calculate ΔH when one mole of H2SO4 is added to a large volume of the solution (H2SO4+ 10H2O). Solution: In this example, it is assumed that we add a solute to a large enough volume of solution so that the composition of the mixture does not change. The enthalpy change for this...
Right: the changes behind CO2 emissions in the achieving group (c, f and i). The drivers are population; GDP per capita; the share of primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry; energy intensity (energy use per unit GDP); the share of coal, oil and natural gas; and ...
9 Density plots of the posterior distributions of the estimated random slopes for the temperature change effect per taxonomic group in the terrestrial realm. The black vertical line indicates the overall slope estimate for each biodiversity response, with the corresponding 95% credible interval as grey...