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for file in *.txt; do mv "$file" "${file%.txt}.xml"; done Change the file extension in batch. Useful to create output file names with same input name but distinct extension by including logic inside the loop 2 By: neomefistox ...
Climate change is a complex global challenge. The realities of climate risk, including physical impact and transition risk, affect every society and organization, including your own. Limiting global warming to 1.5°C means navigating and delivering on
Stanford’s Jackson was a pioneer in developing pipeline leak mapping in 2012. He says that cutting off the flow “means more money in the pockets of the producers, or in the pockets of consumers who pay for the lost gas.” But as Jackson points out, gas companies would have more incent...
Venial and mortal are weighed against gravitas and malign, the 20 century old calculator passed through the ages whirrs and crackles, and the penance is announced: “Two laps around the rosary beads and six Hail Mary’s will settle the accounting nicely. To be completed immediately.” I ...
PyWake - An AEP calculator for wind farms implemented in Python including a collection of wake models. WISDEM - Wind Plant Integrated System Design and Engineering Model. WOMBAT - Windfarm Operations & Maintenance cost-Benefit Analysis Tool. LandBOSSE - The Land-based Balance-of-System Systems ...
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