Change in Latitude, Change in Attitude; New Town, New Style Suits AvalancheLen Hochberg
In the context of current debate concerning modes of inquiry, this paper addresses the role of empiricism in nursing science. The author argues that, while not the only valid perspective, empiricism should remain a dominant perspective in nursing research because many of the questions we need to ...
CREDIBILTY, DISCREPANCY AND LATITUDE OF COMMUNICATION AS DIMENSIONS OF DISSONANCE INFLUENCING ATTITUDE CHANGE 1doi:10.1080/00049536308255486This study tests the derivation from Festinger's dissonance theory that in situations where disparity is perceived between a person's opinion and the opinion expressed ...
CREDIBILTY, DISCREPANCY AND LATITUDE OF COMMUNICATION AS DIMENSIONS OF DISSONANCE INFLUENCING ATTITUDE CHANGEThis study tests the derivation from Festinger's dissonance theory that in situations where disparity is perceived between a person's opinion and the opinion expressed by a communicator, cognitive ...
The article presents some quotes written by food engineering and operation colleagues based on their reviews of the 2007 Food Automation Conference. One person says that he always comes away energized and with at least one idea that he can use immediately. Another notes that the conference opened...
A Change in Attitude and Latitude Over Energy Policy in the Senate.Reports on the resistance of Jeff Bingaman, chairman of the United States (U.S.) Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, to legislative price controls on the West Coast's wholesale electricity without giving the U.S. ...
The article informs that adjusting one's attitude, executing personal change and improving communication skills are just some of the lesserknown steps one can take to advance one's career, said motivational speaker Nicki Joy during the Women's Foodservice Forum's annual Leadership Development ...