If not set, WonderPush will use a bell icon by default.Android nativeThe file is located under app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.Ionic Capacitor, Flutter and React NativeThe file is located under android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Fluttertoast.showToast( msg: "您没有权限", toastLength: Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, gravity: ToastGravity.CENTER, timeInSecForIos: 1, textColor: Colors.black ); }, child: new Row( children: <Widget>[ new Icon(Icons.autorenew), new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: <...
child: Icon(Icons.add), backgroundColor: Colors.black, tooltip: "Add Task", ), GestureDetector( onTap: () { Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => AddNote())); }, child: FloatingActionButton( key: Key("btn1"), onPressed: null, ...
Flutter Getx改变主题, 我们可以通过GetX很轻松的调用bottomSheet(),而且无需传入context,下面我给出一个例子,使用GetX弹出bottomSheet并很轻松的实现切换主题 。 我们可以通过Get.bottomSheet()来显示BottomSheet,通过Get.back()实现路由返回,通过Get.changeTheme(ThemeData.dark())切换皮肤主题,通过Get.isDarkMode判断主题...
移动与智慧屏应用快速接入华为帐号 移动与智慧屏应用ID Token模式接入华为帐号(OpenID Connect) 移动与智慧屏应用Authorization Code模式接入华为帐号(OAuth 2.0) 仅申请OpenID或UnionID的应用接入华为帐号快捷登录 接口说明 登录帐号 静默登录 退出帐号 帐号取消授权 独立授权(可选) ...
You can use only one alternative icon. Later on I'll (re)make the process more dynamic. More info here The plugin only works on Android, on iOS will work, but i'm working on it. On Android if you try to run the app via cli, for example flutter run (or from the ide plugin),...
启动UIAbility时报“must have required property 'startWindowIcon'”错误 调用方使用startAbilityForResult()时,被调用方如何返回数据 如何在未知UIAbility的情况下通过隐式Want拉起应用 拉起UIAbility时报“16000050”错误 通过隐式Want拉起浏览器应用时报“16000050”错误 部署HAP时上报“Failure[INSTALL_FAILED...
Steps to Add Google Fonts in Flutter To add the Google Fonts in Flutter, first of all, you need to add the dependency then import the package statement and then you can use the Google fonts in your Text widget. Step 1: Adding Dependency ...
注意:无特殊说明,Flutter版本及Dart版本如下: Flutter版本:1.12.13+hotfix.5 Dart版本:2.7.0 BottomNavigationBar 和 BottomNavigationBarItem...配合Scaffold控件使用可以实现底部导航效果,类似于微信底部的导航效果,下面是一...
集成推送那点事-友盟Mob-FlutterFCM if (remoteMessage.data.isNotEmpty()) { Log.e(TAG, "Message data payload: ${remoteMessage.data...data android:name="com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon" android...:resource="@drawable/appicon" /> data android:name="com.google.fireba...