(show) a beautiful house lit by 25 lights from inside,surrounded by the darkness of night.(3) Whatis strange is that above the house and the tree,we see a daytime sky full of brightness and soft white clouds.It seems like quite(4) amysterious scene. Magritte was a...
sbetterthannothing Igrewupinaprettyhouse AndIhadspacetorun AndIhadthebestdayswithyou Thereisavideo IfoundfrombackwhenIwasthree Yousetupapaintsetinthekitchen Andyou’retalkingtome It’stheedgeofprincessesandpirateships Andthesevendwarves Daddy’ssmart Andyou’retheprettiestladyinthewholewideworld NowIknow...
1天前 Develop simple unity 2d action game Hello, you need to create Task 1: Enemy and Main Character Designs using clip studio paint, Task 2: Create animations for 2 characters from task 1 , Task 3: Create game assets ,Task 4: Create level environments in unity 2d action game ...