mysql>DELETE FROM user WHERE User="phplamp" and Host="localhost"; mysql>flush privileges; //删除用户的数据库 mysql>drop database phplampDB; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4.修改指定用户密码。 @>mysql -u root -p @>密码 mysql>update mysql.user set password=password('新密码') where User="ph...
首先,使用一个普通用户user1登录 MySQL。 mysql-u user1-p 1. 在MySQL 提示符下,验证当前用户: SELECTCURRENT_USER(); 1. 这将输出类似user1@localhost的当前用户信息。接下来,使用CHANGE USER命令切换到user2用户: CHANGEUSER'user2'@'localhost'IDENTIFIEDBY'password2'; 1. 再次验证当前用户: SELECTCURRENT_...
replicate-ignore-db=mysql#不需要同步的表 如图: 3.重启MySql 服务 打开任务管理器 找到 mysql 停止一下 然后启动 bingo 4.设置运行代码从库配置 (1)输入:stop slave; 说明 暂停 从库 (2)输入: change master to master_host='',master_port=3306,master_user='slave',master_password='123'...
5.4.4 mysql_change_user() boolmysql_change_user(MYSQL*mysql,constchar*user,constchar*password,constchar*db) Description Changes the user and causes the database specified bydbto become the default (current) database on the connection specified bymysql. In subsequent queries, this database is ...
/usr/local/bin/pt-online-schema-change --user=用户名 --password=密码 --host= --port=端口号 --charset=utf8 --nodrop-old-table --alter="modify media_code varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '当前视频编码' " D=ad_api,t=t_ad_req_log --exec ...
5.4.3 mysql_change_user() my_boolmysql_change_user(MYSQL*mysql,constchar*user,constchar*password,constchar*db) Description Changes the user and causes the database specified bydbto become the default (current) database on the connection specified bymysql. In subsequent queries, this database ...
User changed successfully 示例 在面向对象的风格中,这个函数的语法是 $con->change_user();以下是面向对象样式 $minus 中此函数的示例; <?php $host = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $passwd = "password"; $dbname = "mydb"; //Creating a connection $con = new mysqli($host, $username,...
MariaDB [(none)]> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('pass123') WHERE User='demouser' AND Host='localhost'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.003 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0 Flush the privileges, which makes the new changes to take effect. ...
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:passwordnetworks:-wpsite# Wordpresswordpress:depends_on:-dbimage:wordpress:latestports:-'8000:80'restart:alwaysvolumes:['./:/var/www/html']environment:WORDPRESS_DB_HOST:db:3306WORDPRESS_DB_USER:wordpressWORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD:wordpressnetworks:-wpsitenetworks:wpsite:volumes:db_data...
--user= 连接mysql的用户名 --password= 连接mysql的密码 --host= 连接mysql的地址 P=3306 连接mysql的端口号 D= 连接mysql的库名 t= 连接mysql的表名 --alter 修改表结构的语句 --execute 执行修改表结构 --charset=utf8 使用utf8编码,避免中文乱码 ...