Now that you officially know the ins and outs of your Android voicemail, you can check out our other blogs tomake the most of your Android OSand evenhelp it run faster. And if you thought saving your most important voicemails to your phone was cool, you canbring your number to Mint Mo...
:Facebook has added the hashtag. After months of rumors that the social network was preparing to go full-fledged Twitter on us, the deed has been done and all your pound sign-pushing is about to mean something. This day has been in the making for awhile; nearly every major social netw...
MILKMAN: Well, we learned a ton in the last three years but we have not solved this problem. Today we had a really fabulous gathering, where we shared the results of some of our first ambitious studies to try to make a major dent in this. And I would say the hashtag from the day...
If you want to display dates in another language, you have to create a custom format and prefix a date with a corresponding locale code. The locale code should be enclosed in [square brackets] and preceded with the dollar sign ($) and a dash (-). Here are a few examples: [$-409] ...
For a second I hoped that she would pull out a pair of diamond clad handcuffs with a six-figure pricetag hanging down from a string, clamp them on my wrists, snap a picture for Instagram, and then start to laugh as she typed in the hashtag #DorkyAmericantourists and maybe #howtheengl...
How to create a custom Excel date format for another locale If you want to display dates in another language, you have to create a custom format and prefix a date with a corresponding locale code. The locale code should be enclosed in [square brackets] and preceded with the dollar sign (...