As a third support mechanism, the government aims to develop and consolidate public scientific and technological research capacities in collaboration with the private sector. In order to contribute to the development of human scientific resources, the government strives to create a favourable environment ...
The research sample includes the EU Member States, which fall into four performance groups: (1) Innovation Leaders where performance is above 125% of the EU average; (2) Strong Innovators, with performance between 95 and 125% of the EU average; (3) Moderate Innovators, where performance is ...
Based atoms by on the the considerations above, the electric field can be expressed change as of the MAE during the charge redistribution among F eOUT �EMAE = ǫOUT (n + �n) + ǫOUT (n − �n) − 2ǫOUT (n), (2) w(th ǫhOeeUorTeth(nneri+sF t...
However, since our main purpose was to provide a comparison between planned growing areas specified in the government plan and projected suitable habitats for S. mukorossi, and the comparison results clearly showed the divergence, the method used in this study could satisfy that purpose. Our ...
The Art4pax Foundation (Guernica) and the Basque Government (SAIOTEK) provided support for this project. We are grateful to BASQUETOUR (Basque Agency of Tourism) and to Silke Haarich (Germany) who kindly read an early draft of the article. They are not responsible for our interpretations. ...
Approved Document L1B: Conservation of Fuel and Power in Existing Dwellings; Her Majesty's Government: Welsh, UK, 2015. 36. Claes, K.; de Boever, L.; Breesch, H. Design Recommendations for Robust Thermal Summer Comfort in Residential Lightweight Buildings in a Moderate Climate. Energy ...
Narok County Government. County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013–2017. 2017. Available online: (accessed on 1 October 2019). Hydrology 2019, 6, 86 17 of 17 33. Tesot, A.K. Environmental ...
We thank the Saudi Government for a studentship for A.A. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 1387 15 of 17 References 1. Wong, W.L.; Su, X.; Li, X.; Cheung, C.M.; Klein, R.; Cheng, C.Y.; Wong, T.Y. ...