to dilution, while temperatures increase DOM priming by microbes.bUrban land use contributes to groundwater DOC through contamination, for example through leaking septic and sewer systems.cWater quality parameters and groundwater DOC concentrations are linked and are largely controlled by redox conditions...
They often include aerated lagoons, septic tanks and latrines (Varis 2006). The number of wastewater treatment plants is increasing globally, but this development is unable to keep up with the rapid population growth and urbanisation observed in many cities in Asia. This off-site centralised ...
Dissolved TN and TP sources in Difficult Run were attributed to application of fertilizer to residential lawns, and human and animal waste from inefficient septic systems [46]. 2.2. Hydraulic/Hydrology (H/H) Modeling Urban H/H models use climatological data (precipitation, temperature), land use...
Compost toilets are ideal for allotments (Figure 7) [91], as they do not require a Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEWconnection to a septic tank or sewer system. A compost toilet is a type of dry toile1t9 tohf a30t that does not use water or chemicals to take away the waste. ...
settlements where groundwater is being accessed for the water supply. Important information to be collected with regard to assessing source protection in this context also includes the location of septic tanks in relation to water supply boreholes, and the protection of springs and the weir in ...