如果iPhone 使用蜂窝数据网络接入互联网,标识蜂窝网络的图标会显示在状态栏中。 GSM 蜂窝网络上的 5G、LTE、4G 和 3G 服务支持同步语音和数据通信。对于所有其他蜂窝网络连接,你不能在通话时使用互联网服务,除非 iPhone 还具有接入互联网的无线局域网连接。取决于你的网络连接,你可能无法在 iPhone 通过蜂窝网络...
although it’s theoretically 4G, the network is unusable. Strangely, the 3G network is often much more reliable in these situations, even if it is still capped at slower hypothetical speeds. While your iPhone will try to use the best network, if you know that the 3G (or even 2G)...
You change the channel. You knew this already, Bill. Everybody knows this. And yet when you make a phone call from your couch, to tell your friend that Bill Nye is “losing his edge,” the digital data of that phone call isn’t routed over Wi-Fi through your home’s fat internet ...
a(*) Our records show that you were contacted recently to resolve a problem using our Resolution Center regarding the "SENSE FLASH LIGHT LED LCD COLOR CHANGE HARD CASE COVER FOR APPLE IPHONE 4 4G 4S" sold on 2012-07-11. (*)我们的纪录展示您最近与联系使用我们的决议中心解决问题关于“感觉一...
如果iPhone 使用蜂窝数据网络接入互联网,标识蜂窝网络的图标会显示在状态栏中。 GSM 蜂窝网络上的 5G、LTE、4G 和 3G 服务支持同步语音和数据通信。对于所有其他蜂窝网络连接,你不能在通话时使用互联网服务,除非 iPhone 还具有接入互联网的无线局域网连接。取决于你的网络连接,你可能无法在 iPhone 通过蜂窝网络传输数...