Once I was done with my website development, I decided to write a post on how to change the FontAwesome icon to help other website developers like me. It’s not a tricky task, but if you are a newbie and don’t know CSS, it might be a little bit tricky for you. To change the...
You can refer to below code sample for how to change the font color of select2 plugin using css : http://jsbin.com/zuniqe/edit?css,js,output If you want to use javascript to change the font color of select2 plugin , you can refer to below code sample : https://stackoverflow...
How to Modify an Existing CSS Class in Dreamweaver CS6After assigning the CSS class to an object, and looking at the result, you may decide that you need to use a different font, colour, size, etc. Dreamweaver allows you to change the rules that you created earlier. ...
4. Under the Form Content section, click on Source Editor... and add the following CSS (to change the colour and font weight of the pages webparts titles) prettyprintCopy <style type="text/css"> .ms-WPTitle {font-weight:Bold !important; color:gray !important;} </style> 5. Click S...
When you’re happy with the snippet, scroll to the ‘Insertion’ section. WPCode can add the CSS to different locations, such as after every post, frontend only, or admin only. To change the text across your entireWordPress blog, click on ‘Auto Insert’ if it isn’t already selected....
If you see the screenshot attached, when the grid does not have data, the group title's background and font colour does not change. Hello, One possible solution: procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UniDBGrid1 do if (not As...
Note:If youchange WordPress themes, then you will need to upload the CSS file to your new theme folder. After that, navigate toUsers » Your Profile. Then, you can select the new color scheme you just created. If you want to use this color scheme, then make sure to click the ‘Upd...
Turn off visibility of that Master Colour group.Duplicate each smart object (Ctrl+J) and drag the duplicate above each object that you want to be that same colour, and clip it to the object (alt+Click on the border in the layers panel). Repeat as required so that e...
Hi, How do I make excel change the colour of a cell depending on a different cells date? Turn A2 red if - E2 cell is smaller than todays dateTurn...
I am trying to format a cell based on another cell's content, the context is to link when a certain day is entered into a cell then a different cell will...