$(document).on('change onpropertychange',"#imgUrl", function() { //文件上传 var file = this.files[0]; console.log(file); if((file.size / 1024).toFixed(0)>300){ $.alert({ title: '提示!', content: "图片大小为:"+(file.size / 1024).toFixed(0)+"kb,要求不能...
Your storage account URL, subsequently identified as <your-storage-account-url>, would be formatted as follows http(s)://<storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net Authenticate the client In order to interact with the Storage Service (Blob, Queue, Message, MessageId, File) you'll need to...
HelpPageIconUrl="uri" HelpPageText="string" HelpPageUrl="uri" ID="string" InstructionText="string" MailDefinition-BodyFileName="uri" MailDefinition-CC="string" MailDefinition-From="string" MailDefinition-IsBodyHtml="True|False" MailDefinition-Priority="Normal|Low|High" MailDefinition-Subject="...
Changed characterization of BitmapSize from table to record. Revised description of EBLC header to incorporate BitmapSize records array. Added descriptions of fields for BigGlyphMetrics, SmallGlyphMetrics. ebsc.htm Changed characterization of BitmapSize from table to record. euro.htm Removed file. ...
GitCommitToCreate GitConflict GitConflictAddAdd GitConflictAddRename GitConflictDeleteEdit GitConflictDeleteRename GitConflictDirectoryFile GitConflictEditDelete GitConflictEditEdit GitConflictFileDirectory GitConflictRename1to2 GitConflictRename2to1 GitConflictRenameAdd GitConflictRenameDelete GitConflictRenameRename...
BindAuthToMachine - 绑定授权到服务器 GetModuleConfig - 获取模块配置信息 DescribeClusterBasicInfo - 根据集群编号查询集群信息 DescribeQuaraFileDownloadInfo - 查询隔离文件下载链接 DescribeAffectedAssets - 查询受影响的资产 DescribeEventOnStage - 查询威胁检测支持的平台 DescribeScanTaskStatistics - 查询扫描任务...
HelpPageIconUrl="uri" HelpPageText="string" HelpPageUrl="uri" ID="string" InstructionText="string" MailDefinition-BodyFileName="uri" MailDefinition-CC="string" MailDefinition-From="string" MailDefinition-IsBodyHtml="True|False" MailDefinition-Priority="Normal|Low|High" MailDefinition-Subject="...
For example, if the result type of a search result is a PDF file, the display template PDF Item is applied. If the result type of a search result is an image, the Picture Item display template is applied. To apply one display template to all result types of the s...
HelpPageIconUrl="uri" HelpPageText="string" HelpPageUrl="uri" ID="string" InstructionText="string" MailDefinition-BodyFileName="uri" MailDefinition-CC="string" MailDefinition-From="string" MailDefinition-IsBodyHtml="True|False" MailDefinition-Priority="Normal|Low|High" MailDefinition-Subject="...
Memory limit. By default, Docker Desktop is set to use up to 50% of your host's memory. To increase the RAM, set this to a higher number; to decrease it, lower the number. Swap. Configure swap file size as needed. The default is 1 GB. ...