agricuootlththueerrratthlhaiannnpttuhhetesaaeggcrrtiicocuur,llttpuuarraraltliicinnuppluautrtlssyeeccitntoortr,h, ppeaaprrthtiicacuurlmlaarrallycyyiinnatnthhdee gpphehnaarermmraaalcccyyhaaennmddigsgeternnyeersraaellcctchoheremsm(iiFsstitrgryyussreeecct6too)r.rssThus, the b(i(FgFigiggeuusr...
d/patches/use-setuptools.patch: Use setuptools.setup() instead of distutils.setup() so an egg-info directory is generated instead of an egg-info file. (LP: #1578761) python-urllib3 1578351 d/p/06_revert_square_brackets_httplib.patch: Cherry pick revert of change to behaviour with http...
Rolling out a new payment technology is logistically difficult, it typically is vexed with the classic chicken and egg problem. Is there any demand for near-field cards if there are no near-field pinpad devices? Payment service providers and retailers are rolling these out now, and issuers are...
6 March 2020, titled ‘Il silenzio dei Lincei. Cui prodest?’ (‘The silence of the Lincei. Who benefits?’), in which she questioned the wisdom of cancelling the event. Her essay attracted 24 comments. The large majority supported the Lincei’s decision...
sustainability Review Phase Change Materials (PCMs) and Their Optimum Position in Building Walls Zeyad Amin Al-Absi * , Mohd Hafizal Mohd Isa * and Mazran Ismail School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia; * Correspondence: zeyada...
Regarsdtrianteggitehsepeinr sceocnttsexat nisda pfeoalsliibnlaetpiornocecdounrtee.xTth, ethreesumltseadniffeorf bay vleasrsitahbalne 0c.0o1mfbroinminthge sreeplfo-artsesdessed knowvlaeldugese—oenxcbeipotdfiovretrhseitpye,abtleaensdaunsde cpoonltleixnta(tsieoenC, raonndbascuhs'staαinva...
Since this capacitance increases with the number off iinnppuuttss,, tthhiiss aapppprrooaacchhiissbbeetttteerrffoorrffeeww--iinnppuuttsscceennaarriioossoorrwwiitthhmmooddeerraatteeggaaiinnss.. The capacitance of the Vcom node is also iin tthhee oorriiggiinn ooff tthheessccaalliinngglliimmi...
rheanthtahnetmheitmigaittiigoantiaocntiaocntsi.oInns.faIcnt,fathcte, ftohremfoermdeoreds oneostnfootcfuoscuosnoanraedreudcuticotnionofogf rgereenehnohuosueseggasaseemmisisisoionns,s,wwhhilieletthhee latter is mainly oriented to that scope, thus requiring totally differeenntt ssttrraatteeggii...