You can also perform the same task from the Xbox app settings, more specifically from the“Install Options”page. When using the Xbox app with or without a PC Game Pass subscription or the Microsoft Store, games will download and install in the main drive whereWindows 11(orWindows 10) is ...
Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run faster Games take a lot of space, and if you are running out of space on the System Drive, then here is how you can change the default location of where the Xbox App installs games. You will have to take a two-step approa...
We revised the Xbox section to better describe how data is used to provide our services and curated experiences. Under Microsoft Start, we included information about how your location is used when you access the weather app. We removed references to services that will no longer be available or...
Your progress will not carry over if you switch to Xbox from another platform like PC or PlayStation. Similarly, your progress will not carry over if you switch from Xbox to another platform. If you own multiple platforms and plan to now play Outriders on Xbox Game Pass, we recommend ensur...
No matter what I change every game I install from EA Desktop Beta (as I'm launching that from Xbox Game Pass) FORCES the install to the C: drive. I've set the default in settings to G:\EAPlay and when I start the install it shows the correct path - G:\EAPla...
OneDrive (work or school)OneDrive (home or personal)OneDrive for MacOneDrive for Windows First,unlink OneDriveand keep the setup window open. Then, reconnect the account in a different location. In the setup window, enter the email address for the account you just removed, en...
Can't install games from microsoft store: Hi, I've bought gamepasss to play games on my pc, but whenever I try to install anything from the microsoft store it just won't let me, I click the button and nothing happens, the xbox app just won't download, I tried restarting it, runni...
What's new: [list][*]Major update for FFmixed a security pegroblem (remediation of damaged MPr4 header vious moduulne cran't be usedility).[/list*]Added:[lis XInput (XBOX cont][*]The ability to oroller) suppen/close the list of participt.[*]Added Armenian ts in the chranslatio...
Platform:PC Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with?Download Game When did this happen? ( hh:mm)19.03.21 12:00 Summarize your bugChanging the install location doesn't change ...
If MSFS ever needs to be reinstalled, pointing the content manager to the location of this custom foldershouldprevent the download of all the packages. Please treat this process with care and remember each step taken. If the process doesn’t work for you ensure that you are...