ARK is the one product that keeps Snail games going, if they tried to run the company with all of their other games put together they might be a profitable company, but they'd only be one-tenth the size of the company they are now. I'm pretty sure Snail would never have been able...
This chapter deals with climate-related changes in the marine ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is often described as one of the world’s largest brackish water bodies. It has a unique combination of oceanographic, climatic, and geographic feat
Every time the animals were moved to another paddock, the herbage under the exclosure cage was harvested as well as another area of the same size next to it. DMI could then be estimated through the difference in DM content. The paddocks were mostly changed in the middle of the week. ...
社区 Forums ARK Mobile ARK Wiki 动态 Modding Support Clubs Merch 所有动态 主页 DinoFan DinoFan Members 查看他们的动态 内容数量 41 加入时间 九月11, 2023 最近访问 九月5 所有动态 主页 DinoFan 语言 Copyright 2024 Studio Wildcard. All rights reserved. Powered by Invision ...
Full size table Energy democracy embraces the idea that transformation away from centralized fossil fuel-based energy systems to a distributed renewable-based future can also redistribute power—political and economic power as well as electric power (Burke2018; Feldpausch-Parker et al.2022; Stephens201...
populations of red kites has been initiated through EU LIFE projects in Calabria of southern Italy (i.e., 15–20 pairs across 2000 km2; Ceccolini in Annex S4) and in western Sierra Morena of southern Spain (i.e., 8 pairs across 3000 km2; Godino et al., 2020; Raab, 2022; Annex ...
As a further application of such reciprocal information, the characteristic size range of TSs—for a given RET—could be used for validating the detected TS candidates [35]. Similar processing benefit could be gained from the above outlined information feedback in case of other presently not so ...
The paper is structured in three parts: (1) the global seed market in the food chain, its stakeholders, size, and heterogeneity; (2) corporate concentration trends and technological evolution in the seed industry; and (3) impact of corporate consolidation on the seed industry. The first part...
Early Birds 查看他们的动态 内容数量 3 加入时间 十月6, 2023 最近访问 三月23, 2024
On the thermal characteristics and the mitigation potential of a medium size urban park in Athens, Greece. Landsc. Urban Plan. 2014, 123, 73–86. [CrossRef] 47. Oliveira, S.; Andrade, H.; Vaz, T. The cooling effect of green spaces as a contribution to the mitigation of urban heat:...