On Jan. 27, APS releaseda new report, “Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal: A Physical Science Perspective,” that aims to answer this question. The four authors of the report — which was commissioned by the APS Panel on Public Affairs — are Washington Taylor of the Massachusetts Institute o...
Rural women farmers might be the world’s most extraordinary unsung agents of change when it comes to climate resilience.These women make upnearly half the world’s agricultural workforceandproduce between 60% and 80% of the food in low- and middle-income countries. The farms they run provide...
Stories about learning to find true beauty within have existed before. But rarely has this been applied to a non-disfigured man meeting a disfigured woman. To quote a spot-onmemeofBeauty and the Beast: “Appearances don’t matter. What counts is what’s in your heart. Unless you’re the...
The “Run the World (Girls)” songstress and her handsome hubby caught a screening of “Iron Man 3” and looked to be in good spirits as the strolled hand-in-hand up the sidewalk.Beyonce and Jay had just returned from London, England where they both performed at the Chime for Change’...
1)1''·<;;; MODERN TEKNİK ILERLEMENİN KAYNACl : ARAŞTIRMA VE GELiŞTiRME HARCAMALARI Modern teknoloji üretimi, herhangi bir mal ve hizmet üre- timi ya da yatırım gibi iktisadi faaliyet çeşitlerinden biri duru- muna gelmiştir. Modern, büyük ölçekli ileri ...
(°taTCrsa5bicnsmes aef+odnrd 4cm0ehd)eo,dtsaoe,vnbTera5ascsnimotdhbnceeocalfoartuwehsreeeesRgtnrTseegd5scasamtitioawvnewhcTeaors5eecamfRpfirpcseilcseiuoendnlttstst.ioniTnua5nleclmseevghisiaaatmstievbeeteaheosenur rhimemedteaeasgrsooiunislracetreedydmaaRptsst−ei(rco3aitrt...
World Health Organization, UNICEF. Progress on sanitation and drinking-water: 2013 update : joint monitoring Programmeme for water supply and sanitation. Geneva: WHO Press; 2013. Google Scholar Scudder T. The future of large dams: dealing with social, environmental, institutional and political cost...
I’m a scientist and engineer whose training tells me this meme has been falsified and no one in the hyped side of it is actually doing science. After hundreds of billions of “research” money spent we still have no advance since Tyndall, Athenius and Charney. That to me is proof of ...
DA: You've already built amazing momentum—from sketchbook to meme. What does your team look like and how do you carry this forward? EB:As the CEO, Sofya is the brains behind the operations side of running the business and also handles all of our marketing and community outreach. Scott ...
At this pace, will we become the Michelangelo of a new cultural digital renaissance soon? I doubt it when I look at the dumb pixelated Simpson heads on BitClout. Is our current meme culture even comparable with theDavid by Michelangelo?