("Change Basemap Sample");stage.setWidth(800);stage.setHeight(700);stage.setScene(scene);stage.show();// authentication with an API key or named user is required to access basemaps and other location servicesString yourAPIKey = System.getProperty("apiKey");ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.setApiKey...
For a hands-on tutorial that teaches how to modify basemaps in ArcGIS Online, tryCartographic Creations – Customize a basemap. And if you want to customize basemaps further than the techniques I’ve shown above, you can use theVector Tile Style Editor. You can watch all of the videos in...
StartDrone2Mapand create or open your project. On theHometab, in theLayersgroup, clickBasemap. Click the thumbnail of the basemap you want to use. Feedback on this topic?
In ArcGIS Pro 3.4 changing the map in a map frame now remembers and applies the previous map extent, as long as the coordinate systems are the same. If the coordinate system of the new map is different than the previous map the map frame draws the set custom mak...
require([ "esri/request", ], (esriRequest) => { const map = document.querySelector("arcgis-map"); map.basemap = { style: { id: "arcgis/outdoor", language: "es" // Spanish language basemap } }; }); Expand Create a language dropdown Get the list of languages available from...
Manually entered coordinates—The coordinates must be numeric values and in the active map's coordinate system. Caution: The map may use different display units than the entered coordinates. The use of a cardinal direction (N, S, E, W) is not supported. Use a negative value sign for south...
If you change the link chart to use a different layout instead, the basemap and any added spatial data are removed. Note: The geographic layout uses the WGS 1984 coordinate system, which is the only coordinate system supported when defining an entity's geospatial feature. If you change the ...
• Added coordinate system option to Import Trajectory dialog for CSV format. • Added Show Trajectory button to Model view toolbar. • Added transparency option for obscured shape regions to Preferences dialog. • Fixed SLPK compatibility with ArcGIS Earth. 9 Agisoft Metashape Change Log ...
底图为您要在地图中显示的内容提供了一个地理环境背景。 在 Drone2Map 中,可以选择底图。 可以使用底图库来随时更改当前地图的底图。 Drone2Map 使用许可门户底图库设置来访问默认 Esri 底图以及与您的组织共享的自定义底图。 启动Drone2Map,然后创建或打开工程。 在主页选项卡的图层组中,单击底图。 单击要使用的...
在前文《ArcMap中的底图图层》中,介绍了地图底图的创建和分析,今天介绍地图底图的另一个功能:调整透明度(调低亮度)。 这是地图底图和图层组不同的一个功能,使用方法如下: 1.启用效果工具条 启用方法可以参考《ArcMap使用卷帘工具查看绘制顺序》,与卷帘工具在同一个工具条上。