While the so-called experts are blaming climate change—and in the process demanding that government grab even more power and authority ostensibly to someday give us better weather—the destructiveness of this fire was the product of an all-powerful and all-incompetent régime. …To review, a p...
In 1919, five years after his return to India, Gandhi called for a nationwide series of strikes and boycotts in response to the Rowlatt Acts, which restricted Indian rights. These protests were successful at first, but soon spun wildly out of control and eventually led to the massacre at A...
CLEAR Tranquility also involved patients with statin intolerance, but employed a more pragmatic definition for statin intolerance, permitting recruitment of patients who had failed only one statin at any dose. In this study, placebo-corrected reductions in LDL-C of 28.5% were observed with bempedoic...
feed items for standard feeds are read only in the api. a feedtrackedchange record is visible when you have read access on the record feed, and when the field is visible in the field-level security settings. custom feeds if you want more control over the information provided in a record ...
Karel, We are in disagreement. Yes, FDA has taken action against a number of firms, the original dirty thirty, and more have been added, cited, and posted. My point is that big Pharma is getting into compounding pharmacy. We don't mention those firms that do it correctly. I see more...
AcronymDefinition PCM Pulse-Code Modulation PCM Powertrain Control Module PCM Phase-Change Memory (non-volatile computer memory) PCM Principles of Clinical Medicine (various schools) PCM Pro Cycling Manager (software) PCM Per Calendar Month (accounting) PCM Process Control Module PCM Porsche Communication...
Dr. White has received research grants from sanofi-aventis, Eli Lilly, The Medicines Company, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Pfizer, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Schering-Plough, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Daiichi-Sankyo Pharma Development, and Bristol-Myers Squibb; ...
Commercial execution has been transformed with new and specialty products now reaching £10 billion in annual sales. Meanwhile changes to the Group’s portfolio and network within Vaccines and Pharma have led to annual cost savings delivery of £0.5 billion and proceeds from ...
Max Planck observed that ‘If you change the way you look at things, things you look at change’. It is high time for healthcare professionals to embrace the challenge—the linear reductionist view of health and disease is failing our patients, our...
Separate analyses were run including number of memory test sessions completed as a proxy to control for practice effects. The same analyses were run for hippocampal volume across time, covering up to 6.81 years. The same variables and covariates as for the memory analyses were included. In ...