ComplexProperty Компонент КомпонентДиаграмма ComponentFile CompositeTask Компоновка COMPrivate ComputedColumn ComputedColumnDisabled ComputedColumnError ComputedColumnWarning Компьютер ComputerService COMWarning ConditionalLoop ConditionalRule ConditionalR...
polar vortex and make the polar vortex more susceptible to disruptions by northward-moving warm air masses andhighpressure systems. Disruptions in the polar vortex can push part of the main region of frigidArcticair southward thousands of kilometres, which produce wide-ranging “cold-air outbreaks”...
To the east in northern Siberia and on the Arctic Shelf of Eurasia, a number of small ice caps and domes developed in highland areas, and some of them may have coalesced to form ice sheets on the shallow shelf areas of the Arctic Ocean. Glaciers and small ice caps formed in the Alps ...
These various perspectives show that postmaterialist values in China are complex. According to the above different perspectives, we propose two competitive hypotheses. Hypothesis 2.1.1 Period effect: After reform and opening-up, public postmaterialist value scores gradually increased with the development...
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2.1.66 Part 1 Section, widowControl (Allow First/Last Line to Display on a Separate Page) 2.1.67 Part 1 Section, wordWrap (Allow Line Breaking At Character Level) 2.1.68 Part 1 Section, b (Bold) 2.1.69 Part 1 Section, bCs (Complex...
This physical phenomenon is reversible and manifests through the emergence of distinct material properties. AI generated definition based on: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2018 About this pageAdd to MendeleySet alert Also in subject area: ChemistryDiscover other topics...
Sea-ice concentration, extent and seasonality are well characterised from satellite data1,2,3 and form the basis of major assessments of polar sea-ice change and variability since the late-1970s4,5. An important additional climate and environmental factor neglected to date, however, is change an...
ThePhanerozoic Eon(541 million years ago to the present), which includes the entire span of complex, multicellular life on Earth, has witnessed an extraordinary array of climatic states and transitions. The sheer antiquity of many of these regimes and events renders them difficult to understand in...
Heat energy moves from the oceans to the atmosphere through the processes of direct heat transfer and evaporation, and energy from the atmosphere flows to the oceans in the form of precipitation. Many ocean currents are driven by surface-level winds; they move warm water from the tropics to ...