使用SQL Server 管理物件 (SMO) 中的Column.Collation屬性。 如果目前下列任何一個項目參考資料行定序的話,就無法變更其定序: 計算資料行 索引 散發統計資料,不論是自動產生或由CREATE STATISTICS陳述式產生 CHECK 條件約束 FOREIGN KEY 條件約束 當您使用tempdb時,COLLATE子句會包含database_default選項,...
Transact-SQL 语法约定语法syntaxsql 复制 sp_changearticlecolumndatatype [ @publication = ] N'publication' , [ @article = ] N'article' , [ @column = ] N'column' [ , [ @mapping_id = ] mapping_id ] [ , [ @type = ] N'type' ] [ , [ @length = ] length ] [ , [ @...
Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 CHANGE_TRACKING_IS_COLUMN_IN_MASK ( column_id , change_columns ) 参数 column_id 是正在被检查的列的 ID。 可以使用 COLUMNPROPERTY函数获取列 ID。 change_columns CHANGETABLE数据的SYS_CHANGE_COLUMNS列中的二进制数据。
如果有多個主鍵數據行,則必須以與數據行出現在 column_name 清單中的順序相同來指定值。[ FORCESEEK ] 適用於:SQL Server(從 SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP2 CU16、SQL Server 2017 (14.x) CU24 和 SQL Server 2019 (15.x) CU11 開始)、Azure SQL 資料庫 和 Azure SQL 受控執行個體...
altertablemyTableaddmyNewColumnintnull; while1=1beginupdatetop (100000) myTablesetmyNewColumn=myOldColumnwheremyNewColumnisnull; if @@ROWCOUNT=0break;endaltertablemyTabledropcolumnmyOldColumn;EXECsp_RENAME'[myTable].[myNewColumn]','myOldColumn','COLUMN'...
How do I change the length of a column in the metadata? How Do I Display the Entire Error or Warning Message When Rolling Over Problematic Tasks or Errors? How do I do a conditional statement in the control flow? How do i do a simple backup and restore in SSIS? How do I execute...
Change column width Related content Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools When you set a row height, you're specifying the maximum height for the row in the rendered paginated report. However, by default text boxes in the...
Change the column order Though not recommended, you can change the order of columns in a table using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). This requires recreating the table. Important Always use the latest version ofSQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). ...
You use the Always Encrypted feature of Microsoft SQL Server to encrypt a column in a table. You enable the change data capture (CDC) feature for this table. The encrypted column is not included in thecaptured column lis...
You use the Always Encrypted feature of Microsoft SQL Server to encrypt a column in a table. You enable the change data capture (CDC) feature for this table. The encrypted column is not included in thecaptured column list. In this scenario, when you try to use thesp_cdc_dis...