I've had problems with Windows98 and it seems to have reset my PC to the default settings. I'm now asked for a user name and password each time I start up and if I chnage the colours and pixel size it just reverts back to the original setting. Also I used to be able to get ...
“Classic” win7 themes are no longer properly supported, so if you need total control over Window colours etc. then you will need to modify a High Contrast theme. You can modify these through “Settings” in Windows 10, but Windows 7 gives more control over individual elements. Some detail...
Creating new GPO Windows 2008 R2:This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object Creating Scheduled Task for Currently Logged on User Creating scheduled task via gpo Cross domain logon group policy processing CTRL-ALT-DEL lock screen b...
Basically, I want a 25 day window where both cells in D and E go from white to orange - showing it needs to be tasked, and then orange to red - showing that the 25 day window has passed. See example below: I've spent a good time trying to work out the cell ...
Thema: Windows 11: layout change not updatingWindows 11: layout change not updating - Similar Threads - layout change updating Windows update changed layout in Windows 10 Ask Insider Windows update changed layout: I just updated my Windows 10, and upon restarting, the lock screen, colours, ...
There is already a VBA in there, but I can't upload the file with macro's, so I deleted the cells that where using the macro (I only used it to count the value in cells with identical colours). The VBA: Function ColourFunction(rColor As Range, rRange As Range, Optional SUM As ...
Windows.Controls.TextBlock' to type 'System.Windows.Controls.Control'." While assigning stackpannel childrens(Controls) in to the Control i am getting this error (C# WPF)How could I hide a control (ex. a textbox) and display it again (Element Name) is not supported in a windows ...
JohnTuesday, June 23, 2015 11:03 AM | 1 voteTry to handle the SelectionChanged event and set the SelectionForeColor and SelectionBackColor of the currently selected row to the colours of the cells of that row (Green, Yellow or Magenta in your case):...
Flinx Mar 21, 2023 Microsoft: Windows Replies 3 Views 447 Apr 17, 2023 gbaughma Locked Question Change Icon Image on Desktop dik Nov 28, 2022 Microsoft: Windows Replies 5 Views 618 Dec 7, 2022 JimSmith02 Locked Question Windows 11 Screen Colours have changed (slightly) 3 ...
- 0004227: [Suggestion] Allow users to override some properties (e.g. colours, opacity) on new scoreboard (Kaminsky) - resolved.- 0004336: [Bug] Players don't earn medals locally if cl_medals is 0, but observing players see them earn them (Kaminsky) - resolved.- 0004192: [Suggestion] ...