the account is set to 12 years old, the child is under the statutory age for my country.The steps above say to perform the following actions for a child under the age of consent:Using the adult Microsoft account, sign in to your account on the family member,...
how can I change my child's date of birth how can I change my child's date of birth 3 years ago 385 1 How can I change my child’s birth date? How can I change the date of birth for my child? 2 years ago 318 1 How to change a birth date for a child How to change...
change date of birth on Microsoft account I am trying to help my dad who cannot access his email because his profile date of birth has him listed as a child. His date of birth cannot be changed because he is the only user and does not have a "parent" to change his data. His name...
Family Sharing How do a change the birthdate of a child in Family Sharing? 5 years ago 168 2 How do i correct my childs date of birth under family sharing How do i correct my childs date of birth on family sharing 5 years ago 136 1 How can I update my child’s date of bi...
變更你的性別或出生日期 你可以在帳戶頁面變更出生日期或是性別。 請登入你的帳戶頁面
Up next, selectEdit date of birth. Make your changes and selectSave. Re-invite the user as a child. At least one of the solutions listed above should help you easily change the Microsoft Family member from adult to child. If you want to keep your family members close to each other even...
PHNOM PENH, May 17 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said here on Tuesday that he has decided to change his official date of birth to the true date when he was born. Speaking at a meeting with a group of anti-COVID-19 volunteer doctors, Hun Sen said his ...
Prof. Dr. Mukund Bhagirath SardaDisputes very frequently arise with regard to changes sought to be made in the service records of an employee. The right of an employee to change his date of bidoi:10.2139/ssrn.2711591Mukund SardaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
I was trying to make my account. After verifying my email, SSN, and sending a picture of my ID, my account was permanently limited from all features. It says that it is because I am under 18, even though I am not. (The ID I sent in to verify my identity proves this) H...
After verifying my email, SSN, and sending a picture of my ID, my account was permanently limited from all features. It says that it is because I am under 18, even though I am not. (The ID I sent in to verify my identity proves this) How can I get this fixed? Account ...