Reasons for not supporting relocation were related to the vicinity of the current townsite to subsistence resources and concern over the loss of owned property and land and potential land ownership conflicts related to relocation. One resident mentioned that “it never floods in Hooper Bay,” perhap...
Dimes J, Twomlow S, & Carberry P (2002a) Application of APSIM in smallholder farming systems in the semiarid tropics. In: Bontkes TS, Wopereis MCS (eds) A practical guide to decision-support tools for smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. International Center for Soil Fertility and...
Target reference number NZ1 Target coverage Company-wide Absolute/intensity emission target(s) linked to this net-zero target Abs1 Abs2 Target year for achieving net zero 2050 Is this a science-based target? Yes, we consider this a science-based target, and we have committed to seek ...
"The increasing numbers of women in lower level management will be followed in the near future by even more women becoming 'the first woman in this company to ...' until one is, at last, 'the first woman to be chief executive officer of this major NZ company'." It was to be the ...
It extends from transforming how we drive, via electric car company Tesla, or how we think, via his ownership of X, formerly Twitter, to ensuring the survival of the human race with his plans to colonise Mars (his SpaceX company makes rockets). / *** While capit...
Or the ambitious Google Car project, which promises to safely transport passengers from A to B without requiring the commuter to lift a finger. Or the use of computer assisted self-checkouts at the supermarket. The overly critical may say that technology is taking over our jobs, which to ...
3.4.33. .U4.3n.cUonnctroonltlreodlleGdrGazrianzging GrazGirnagzipnrgespsruesrseuwreaws aastha itrhdirsdusbusbtastnatniatilabl abrarrireierrtotottrreeeeppllaannttiinngg aannddttrreeee--bbaaseseddddivievresrifsiicfiactiaotnion in ZerhionuZne. rFhaorumn.erFsawrmitehrsorwchitahrdosrcohnarldoswo...