View details GeirMG merged commit 6ce4694 into main Nov 26, 2024 3 checks passed GeirMG deleted the fix/rename-master-to-main branch November 26, 2024 10:41 jennyhougen pushed a commit that referenced this pull request Nov 26, 2024 Change name of master branch to main (#561) 001...
[MIT]( © [Timothy Lin]( 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 data/blog/introducing-tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.mdx Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -...
The reason to use the namemainas the default branch on Github and in your local git repos is that it's the right thing to do. Language in programming, likemaster, that supports symbols of racism has no place. That's themainreason. In addition, the namemainjust makes more sense. Is t...
$git config--globalinit.defaultBranch Here, the current default branch is named as “master” branch: Step 6: Change Default Branch Finally, change the default branch through the “git config” command along with the “–global” option, “init.defaultBranch” parameter, and desired branch name...
is there a way to change the default setting from master to main? davidajacobus I'm New Here November 6, 2021 edited I have not seen it built into BitBucket, however what you can do is create a new "main" or "mainline" branch from master, set that as the root and then delete ...
Now, I want to do some small change. After changing code in my local folder. I did: GIT_USER=chengtie \ CURRENT_BRANCH=master \ USE_SSH=true \ yarn run publish-gh-pages Then, I got an error: yarn run v1.16.0 error Command "publish-gh-pages" not found. ...
ability to choose a different initial branch name. Previously, the default branch was almost always namedmaster. The most popular alternative name ismain. Less common options includetrunkanddevelopment. Absent any restrictions from the tools you use or team you're on, any valid branch name will ...
While working on Git with a big team, there are chances that a situation might arise when you want to set some other branch as master branch.Recently we were in a same situation. Several of branches were merged to master branch. And unfortunately one of
Decades ago, Gerald Durrell, the famous conservationist, recognized that “the human race is in the position of a man sawing off the tree branch he is sitting on.” Thirty years after Durrell’s death, the human population has increased by 2 billion and the damage has intensified. The branc...
trigger:branches:include:-main-masterpool:{vmImage:ubuntu-latest}steps:- checkout:selfpersistCredentials:true- script:| git checkout $(Build.SourceBranchName) git push origin HEAD:master HEAD:maindisplayName:Mirroroldandnewdefaultbranches 创建新管道,在向导中选择“Azure Repos Git”和“现有 Azure Pip...