Full classification: Deployment | Advanced stack components | Redshift | Create (cluster) Change Type Details Change type ID ct-1malj7snzxrkr Current version 1.0 Expected execution duration 360 minutes AWS approval Required Customer approval Not required Execution mode Automated Additional Inf...
Amazon Redshift RSQL previous versions Choose one of the links to download the version of Amazon Redshift RSQL you need, based on your operating system. Linux 64-bit RPM Mac OS 64-bit DMG Windows 64-bit MSI Did this page help you?
用于部署 Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusters 的 API 版本更改日志 项目 2024/12/20 1 个参与者 反馈 本文介绍 microsoft.awsconnector/redshiftclusters的每个 API 版本中更改的属性。 它仅涵盖部署期间可用的属性。 2024-12-01 更改日志中跟踪的最早版本反馈...
Redshift: Support configuring Added TO_DATE calculated function (converts strings to dates without having to insert format) Added APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_EACH aggregation IAM Role Credentials: Assume role via the Server Role created in the AWS Integration Booting a Cluster after stopping it for...
用于部署 Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusterParameterGroups 的 API 版本更改日志 项目 2024/12/21 1 个参与者 反馈 本文介绍 microsoft.awsconnector/redshiftclusterparametergroups的每个 API 版本中更改的属性。 它仅涵盖部署期间可用的属性。 2024-12-01 更改日志中跟踪的最早版本反馈...
Amazon Aurora and Amazon Redshift are very popular products that customers want to move data between – think driving between New York City and Boston. To reduce friction, AWS built a highway –“zero-ETL” connection. In the future, expect more highways to be built between popular data ...
在AWS EMR 中创建 zeppelin、flink 服务,提交 Flink 任务,消费 MSK 数据,写入到 S3 hudi 数据湖中; 在S3 的数据,可以分别通过 Athena、Redshift Spectrum 进行外表查询。 2.2 Flink Hudi 流式数据湖 Apache Hudi 是由 Uber 公司从 2014 年开始的内部实践项目,目标是解决 Hadoop 上的大数据更新...
Configure ODBC driver connection to Amazon Redshift cluster using third-party SQL client tools and applications. September 20, 2024 Redshift › mgmtAmazon Redshift provisioned clusters Amazon Redshift provisions clusters with compute nodes, managed storage, node types, performance monitoring, pricing,...
aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster:my-cluster", "arn:aws:logs:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:log-group:my-log-group:*" ], "AddOrUpdateTags": [ "{\"Key\":\"k1\",\"Value\":\"v1\"}", "{\"Key\":\"k2\",\"Value\":\"v2\"}", "{\"Key\":\"aws-migration-project-...
database_namecharacter(128)The name of the Amazon Redshift database. schema_namecharacter(128)The name of the Amazon Redshift schema. table_namecharacter(128)The name of the table. new_statecharacter(128)The state of the table. Possible values areSynced,ResyncRequired,ResyncInitiated,Deleted,Fai...