The owner of my schema - public is called 'eyal', and the owner of the tabled inside the schema, called 'postgres'. I am trying to change my table owner (when im logged to user: 'eyal') to user: 'eyal' but i get the error - "must be owner of the table" ...
My restore errors on this line (actual names changed to protect the innocent): ALTER TABLE schema_m.table_a OWNER TO role_a; SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: must be member of role "role_a" I've tried:GRANT postgres TO role_a GRANTED BY postgres; I believe the issue is related ...
postgres=> \o alter.sql postgres=> select 'alter table '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||' alter column '||column_name||' type text;' postgres-> from information_schema.columns postgres-> where table_schema = 'public' postgres-> and column_name = 'description' postgres-> an...
The specified '@owner_login_name' is invalid The SQL Agent service is not running. This operation requires the SQL Agent service. (rsSchedulerNotResponding) The subscription contains parameter values that are not valid. The table includes a table header or column with FixedHeader set to true. ...
, "type": "string", "enum": [ "Low", "Medium", "High" ] } }, "metadata": { "ui:order": [ "RouteTableId", "Destination", "RouteTableTarget", "Priority" ] }, "required": [ "RouteTableId", "Destination", "RouteTableTarget" ], "additionalProperties": false }...
rwx - all rights; --s - When the SUID or SGID bit is set, the owner’s SUID is displayed in the field, while the group’s SGID is displayed in the field; --t - sticky-bit is set, which means users cannot delete this file. Change File Permissions in a Unix/Linux System The ch...
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, value1 INT, value2 INT, computed_column INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (value1 + value2) STORED ); CREATE TABLE -- 1. setting a default on a computed column should produce a syntax error: postgres=# alter table t alter column computed_colum...
FIO-4265 Team Owner displays as a Team Admin FIO-4271 Unable to reclick “select/unselect all” on Export Template after initial click FIO-4274 Teams: Make changes to the display of team members on all the related pages to maintain consistency FIO-4329 Data table: When the Data Table comp...
== NULL && !tab->verify_new_notnull); + + rel = table_open(tab->relid, lockmode); + + Assert(rel->rd_rel->relpersistence != persistence); + + elog(DEBUG1, "perform in-place persistence change"); + + /* + * Initially, gather all relations that require a persistence change. ...
( 'connector' = 'jdbc-cdc', 'url' = 'jdbc:postgresql://local-dev_postgres_1:5432/postgres', 'table-name' = 'v_loan', 'username' = 'postgres', 'password' = 'example', 'cdc.strategy' = 'SIMPLE', 'cdc.simple-strategy.ordering-columns' = 'id' ); CREATE TABLE trx ( cif STRING...