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To address bias in precipitation data, a widely adopted method known as linear scaling was used54,55. The CMIP6 precipitation dataset was corrected using the following equation: $$P=X\frac{{Y}_{{mean}}}{{X}_{{mean}}}$$ (3) P: precipitation data after bias correction; \(X\): ...
Exchanges between the soil surface and the underlying subsurface exhibit high heterogeneity over small spatial scales. To begin to address the complexity of these exchanges, LSMs have adopted different strategies. Many models have added temporary sub-grid water stores such as ponding, although models t...
The survey was constructed to address the specific research questions, with Likert scale items relating to participants’ perceived impact of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT on what they teach and how they assess, as well as open-ended items relating to the sorts of changes that they believ...
Still, the Indus Village can be classified as a relatively holistic model, and is therefore not designed to stand as the minimum model to address a single hypothesis or line of evidence. Rather, it has been developed to serve as an artificial proxy of socioecological systems centered on ...