Byline: Warren MangerCoventry Evening Telegraph (England)
Low vision is a condition where someone has a lower quality of vision that cannot be corrected through glasses, contact lenses or surgery; it can make everyday tasks difficult. Low vision affects those with ARMD, but it can also affect those with eye injuries, glaucoma and diabetes. Although...
Considering obesity treatment aims to address broader aspects of health affected by increased weight, it is possible that changes in depression and anxiety are mediated by changes in dietary intake and/or specific intervention components rather than weight loss per se. Previous studies in children and...
livelihoods, and socio-economic stability. Africa-led innovation, driven by African communities, organizations, and governments, recognizes the continent's unique context and aims to empower communities to address climate change
Thus if a GP prescribes nicotine replacement therapy (intervention) to smokers interested in stopping (population), as part of a routine consultation in a GP surgery in the UK (context), and 60% of smokers obtain the medication and start the treatment, and 50% take it as prescribed (exposu...
This also explained why small practices could sometimes (albeit relatively rarely) over- come capacity disadvantages ("I'm probably taking about 90% of the data cleaning here, in this surgery."—GP in TORPEDO study, 2290-001). In larger organisations, several levels of governance were involved...
Procedures and data collection Potentially eligible people were invited using a joint letter from their family doctor and a researcher to attend a 35–40 minute study recruitment meeting at their GP surgery. Non-responders and non-attenders were sent a reminder letter. At the recruitment meeting,...
From the Departments of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Galician General Hospital and University of Santiago Faculty of Medicine, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. ☆☆ Address for reprints: José Ramón González-Juanatey, MD, PhD, Departmento de Cardioloxía, Hospital Xeral de Galicia, Galeras s/...
Future scores should acknowledge and address these limitations. However, further research is needed to be able to apply these risk prediction tools, intended for individualized patients, to translate into larger population-based health interventions. As the degree of cardiovascular and overall morbidity ...
coping mechanisms and behavioral states. Considering feeding, sexual behavior and agonistic activities as just three of a variety of possible behavioral sequences, we wish to address two aspects specifically: on the one hand, goal-directed behavior asks for perseverance for a specific goal, and the...