irqchip/gic-v3-its: Fix double ICC_EOIR write for LPI in EOImode==1 LP: #1556297 linux-lts-vivid 1556297 scsi: fix soft lockup in scsi_remove_target() on module removal LP: #1556297 linux-lts-vivid 1556297 ext4: fix potential integer overflow LP: #1556297 ...
In facing the most important task of the current time, urban planning should address the effects of climate change today. Based on the rational allocation of urban space for urban climate, optimization space patterns and adaptation strategy research on urban spatial development are being promoted to...
The economic potential of residue management and fertilizer use to address climate change impacts on mixed smallholder farmers in Burkina Faso. Agric. Syst. 2018, 167, 195–205. [CrossRef] 119. Blum, A. Plant Breeding for Stress Environments: 0; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2018. [...
These advances are urgently needed to address major challenges facing society, as we must (i) feed 10 billion people by 2050, (ii) mitigate the impact of climate change, (iii) improve sustainability to produce more with less, and (iv) help increase the efficiency and productivity of farmers...
Specifically, we address the following questions: • What is the current state-of-the-art in the area of CCS using SLR projections (Section 2)? • What are the current technical barriers to satisfying the demand for CCS based on sea level projections (Section 3)? • What is needed ...
This includes everything from remedial change (to address problems or issues) to transformational change (to realign the mission to meet criteria). Either way, change naturally invites many problems, from vertical and horizontal communication [167] to managing information and knowledge, leadership and...
n on one but not both of these variables I(nsefoermn-avtaiolnueosn itnheledguerantdiosntoof Fexigpuerriemse3n–t5a)n.dStahme mplaegnsiiztuedsetohfetreemfopreeravtuarreymamanoipnuglatthioendwifafserent compnaortisaovnasilarebpleoirnteadll bsetulodwie.s,Hanodwseovmere, sittuidsiuesnlpirko...
With respect to the definite accusative clitics, the AJT and the production data showed that the Spanish-dominant speakers do not exactly accept/produce proclisis at the same rates as the Catalan-dominant speakers, an issue that we will not address in depth here and remains for further research...
Therefore, it is crucial to access a range of climate change scenarios to address the uncertainty within GCMs and regional climate models [2]. Additionally, some authors [10–12] have highlighted the need to analyze the effects of future climate changes on urban drainage systems as part of ...
• Recently, the MOVE vulnerability assessment framework has been developed by the FP7 MOVE Project engineers to address the vulnerability in a multidimensional view with respect to space and time. 6. Conclusions Recent studies on mountainous hazards have attracted the attention of scholars and ...