If you are generating a PR manualy with P or Q, then you can change it to Q or P in the PO.But if the PR is generated from Project builder, then System would generate an error message stating that the initiator has maintained a different Acct.Assignment.So in this case you cannot c...
When the user again tried to edit the PO in SRM and change the account assignment field from costcenter to Internal order that is not possible because the account assignment field is grayed out .Then the user has to create a new PO with Internal order as the old ...
Hi All, I need to change my GL account number in PO under account assingment tab. I have implemented the badi and under the method process_item i have written my code.
i have entered vendor, p org,pur grp,company code, at item entered 10 in I column entered D(for service) and entered PO qty as 10, net price, plant, storge loc entered. i have to enter in Account assignment column (A) have to enter K(cost center), but it is grayed out, it is...
下面的就是如何让很多行的POItem使用到同样的acct. assignment category, 需要用到Repeat On这个function,选了一些SAPHelp的资料, 1. Copy所有的POitem到PO的时候,不带有Acct. assignment cat,然后输入第一行的Acct. assign. cat 2. 同时在tab 里面输入G/L account , cost center ,然后点击repeat on button ...
= t_ebkn-bnfpo. lt_account_new-wbs_elem_e = t_ebkn-ps_psp_pnr. lt_account_new-g_l_acct = t_ebkn-sakto. lt_account_new-cost_ctr = t_ebkn-kostl. lt_account_new-asset_no = t_ebkn-anln1. lt_account_new-order_no = t_ebkn-aufnr. lt_account_new-co_area = t_ebkn-kokrs...
Version 23 Type SAP Note Language English Master Language German Priority Recommendations / Additional Info Category FAQ Release Status Released for Customer Released On 17.09.2019 Component MM-PUR-REQ-BAPI ( BAPIs - Purchase requisition ) Please find the original document at https://launchpad.suppor...
Because if it is a valuated material, the the goods receipt process will be automatically post to account determination in BSX But is you are going to post a non valuated the it may be can used account assignment, not by Purchase Order Type We can create a new account assignment and in ...
changed again in the purchase order after goods receipt or invoice receipt. This also applies, of course, to the data in individual lines of the multiple account assignment. However, bear in mind that you should carefully consider every subsequent change in the purchase order. If there are ...
1,289 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MM (Materials Management) Hi Experts, Our Fiscal year runs from Jan - Dec . My user now wants to change the GL account in OBYC tcode GBB-VBR . I need to understand is this going to impact anything in the Financial side ? Regards AnirbanKnow...