The suppressed-and-pale-and-bored-and-infuriated Chang Chao-Tang is still moving along this path of seeking, being lost and finding new direction again. Since embarking onto his artistic pursuits in photography in the late 1950s, Chang has greatly contributed and influenced the Taiwanese photograph...
"Time: The Images of Chang Chao-Tang, 1959-2013" celebrated the Taiwanese photographer's 70th birthday and the museum's 30th. Chang began to take pictures in 1959, while still in high school.
Chang Chao-Tang is widely recognized as the first artist of his generation to deviate from the propagandistic, journalistic, and salon-style photography of postwar Taiwan.
Chang’s first comprehensive retrospective solo exhibition,Time: The Images of Chang Chao-Tangpresents over 400 works of photography from 1959 to today (including contact prints, a series of previously unreleased portraits, and a set of images taken from digital cameras and cell phones), as well ...
This article examines Chang Chao-tang's photography in its social and cultural contexts and reads his photographic images with a special focus on the temporal–spatial syntax at work: "superimpositions" between "the sculptural" and/over the natural, the still life and/over the transient, and ...
Tang Contemporary Art Beijing (Beijing, China) (1)(38)(15) Secluded Place - Wang Daishan Oil Painting Exhibition (solo)06.06 - 07.06Bridge Gallery (Beijing, China) (1)(9) Hu Xiangqian - A Performance a Day Keeps the Doctor Away (solo)06.06 - 08.09Long March Space (Beijing, China) (...
✈️ It wasn't until I arrived at the Tang Dynasty's Never-Night City that I was convinced 🎦 The 'Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an' feast for the eyes really exists. Rather than saying it's a tourist street artificially created, It's more l
Tang Zhigang, Tang Ke, Tao Fa, Tsai Charwei, Tseng Yu-Chin, Tu Hongtao, Wang Alice, Wang Jianwei, Wang Mai, Wang Yonggang, Wang Guangyi, Wang Zhibo, Wang Haichuan, Wang Yabin, Wang Ya-hui, Wang Gongxin, Wang Fei, Wang Ningde, Wang Youshen, Wang Luyan, Wang Jun, Wang Jinsong, Wa...
攝影藝術雜誌《Voices of Photography 攝影之聲》(VOP)在今天下午透過臉書粉絲專頁代替家屬發布公告,台灣攝影家張照堂已於4月2日晚上11點在台北逝世,享壽81歲。 該則貼文寫道:「非常沉重地代家屬通知大家,敬愛的藝術家張照堂老師於昨夜長眠,享年81歲。張照堂的創作橫跨電影、電視、紀錄片、實驗電影與靜態攝影等視...