香奈儿经典襟翼巨型小姐肩袋米色鱼子酱 雕刻/数字3005256 口袋外面:口袋*1 内部:口袋*1,拉链口袋*1 尺寸(英寸)W 11.8 x H 8.7 x D 3.1“ 皮带掉落。(单)22.5“ 皮带掉落。(双)12.2“ 尺寸(厘米)W 30.0 x H 22.0 x D 8.0厘米 皮带滴。(单)57.0厘米 ...
最后说说关店的vintage Qoo吧,每次提到东京vintage CHANEL,大多妹子最熟悉的店莫过于vintage Qoo 和Amore了,在小红书随便一搜一大把。▼ 但其实前两年CHANEL中古店的风刮得还没有现在这么大,网上仅有的攻略都是vintage Qoo 的,好嘛,于是我从东京到大阪再到香港,每个vintage Qoo 都兜了好几遍。 但一直没有下手,...
*ITEM LOCATION IS JAPAN. Order shipments outside of Japan will be responsible for paying customs duties and taxes. *These are the actual photos of the item. *This item was cared for by a previous owner. *Due to its vintage nature, the item shows signs of normal wear. ...
*Not all items online are in stores in Tokyo. If you wish to see a physical item, please contact us in advance. Chanel 1994-1996 Black Caviar Triple CC Shoulder Tote Bag Engraved / Number 34*** Pocket Outside: Pocket x2 Inside: Zipper Pocket x2 Size(In
未经作者授权,禁止转载 BGM : I'm a Fool to Want You - Billie Holiday - 微博/小红书:T-Toughcookie 微信公众号:GoodLooksClub外协 展开更多 服饰 时尚 穿搭 复古 香奈儿 包包分享 VINTAGE 中古包 豪门绿王发消息 一个很会买的独立富有女青年。 关注7188...
香奈儿vic年消费100w的特权 chanel 22k双肩包Jennie同款,chanel22bag渐变粉超绝 #奢侈品回收 #Chanel香奈儿 #杭州中古店 #开箱 #中古二奢 二奢大大 二鲸中古erjing vint - 大大的电台于20240309发布在抖音,已经收获了4844个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Chanel腰包,复古时尚,实用! 👜 Chanel Vintage Lambskin Matelasse Belt Bag In Black 黑色菱格絎縫腰包 ¥9,800 (包郵) 📜 Vintage乃一物一价值,且買且珍惜⏳ Rank:外A 內 D SA/N:新貨*未使用狀態 A/S:接近全新狀態/輕微使用感✔️ B:狀態良好產品,沒有明顯的使用感 C:有一定的使用感,一般...
Please Note: *ITEM LOCATION IS JAPAN. Order shipments outside of Japan will be responsible for paying customs duties and taxes. *These are the actual photos of the item. *This item was cared for by a previous owner. *Due to its vintage nature, the item shows signs of normal wear. ...
Please Note: *ITEM LOCATION IS JAPAN. Order shipments outside of Japan will be responsible for paying customs duties and taxes. *These are the actual photos of the item. *This item was cared for by a previous owner. *Due to its vintage nature, the item shows signs of normal wear. ...
✨回到主题,来看看这次新到的这些Chanel vintage吧: 1️⃣ Chanel赫本风六角星书包扣cf:这款包码糊了只要一万多,真的不要太美!这个款是真正的绝了。 2️⃣ Chanel vintage 31bag小号:链条可拆,比新款的好看一百倍,定型款不是新款那种软的没型的。 3️⃣ Chanel vintage 元宝扣双链黑金cf:这个扣...