The way they approached this new couple was also different, as the whole Ross and Rachel relationship was “experienced by the group”, whereas Monica and Chandler’s was kept secret for a while, allowing them to figure it out by themselves. The writers’ intentions of making Chandler and Mo...
「那场戏是在Monica和前男友Richard共进午餐后,Chandler和Monica大吵一架。Chandler回到房间后,叫了客房服务,我饰演的旅馆工作人员来到房间,Chandler就出轨了。」 「当时一切都彩排好了,就在我们要在现场观众面前表演的前一天,Perry去找了编剧,说观众永远不会...
Rachel:Oh God, it says he was hit by an ice cream truck and dragged for nine-(turns over the note)-teen blocks. Oh. (They all come out from Monica's bedroom) Oh my God. Monica:Sweetie, we heard you crying. Please don't cry. Rachel:It's Le Poo. Phoebe:I know it's le poo ...
Chandler还是那个Chandler,他还是跟以前一样开朋友的完笑,害怕承诺,对Relationship没有安全感。但是在不变的后面,他却在慢慢地努力克服着他所惧怕的一切,尽最大的能力去做一个成熟有责任感的男人。 就是这样,我们看到了他欺骗Monica说她的Massage技术是好的,因为他害怕真话会毁了他们的关系。他还为了一个小小的...
老友记里Chandler 和Monica关于soulmate的对话:“So, you don’t believe in soulmate ?”“No,I don’t think you and I were destined to end up together , I think that we fell in love and work hard in our relationship. Some days we work really hard.” ...
有些剧本--比如求婚,比如不能生育制造出来就是让人感动的 但是当chandler闪耀着幸福的光,带着大大的微笑说教堂很美的时候,我还是潸然泪下了... --- 是一次 CHANDLER和菲比见面 菲比说:你觉得那个教堂怎么样? CHANDLER:太美丽了。 当时就把我感动的哗啦哗啦的 MONICA真的没有选错人。。。 赞 回复 转发...
monica chandler 莫妮卡:钱德勒 1.Monica: Chandler, nobody likes breaking up with someone. You just gotta do it.没人愿意和别人分手,只是你必须这样做。2.Monica: Chandler, you're an only child, right? You don't have any of this.莫妮卡:钱德勒,你是独子,对吧。你没有这方面的...
RacheltriestolearnmoreaboutChandlerandMonica'srelationship; whenRachelconfrontsher,Monicamakesupsomeprettylameliestocoveritup. RossfindsoutEmilyisengagedtobemarriedagain; hegoesoutonthetownandsomehowhooksupwithJanice. Theirrelationshipstartsoutgreat,butsoonJanicecan'tstandRoss's constantwhiningandshebreaksitoff....
Chandler and Monica keeping their relationship a secret led to some of the sitcom's best farcical moments, including this scene where they each forget for just a second that they're not alone. After kissing Monica goodbye, you can see the moment in Chandler's eyes where he realizes what he...