Chandigarh to Godhra Trains Chandigarh to Shimla Trains Chandigarh to Gorakhpur Trains Chandigarh to Amritsar Trains Chandigarh to Chhayapuri Trains Chandigarh to Katni Trains Chandigarh to Delhi Trains Chandigarh to Haridwar Trains Chandigarh to Katra Trains Chandigarh to Gaya Trains Chandigarh to Agra ...
Chandigarh to Udhampur Noida to Udhampur Dharamshala to Udhampur Delhi to Udhampur Panchkula to Udhampur Other Volvo AC Buses from Udhampur Udhampur to Mcleod Ganj Volvo AC Bus Udhampur to Dharamshala Volvo AC Bus Cabs from Udhampur Udhampur to Katra Udhampur to Banihal Udhampur to Panchkula Udhamp...
friendly option, public transportation is also available. The Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) operates buses from the airport to various parts of the city, including Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar. Visitors can take a bus from the airport to the nearest bus stop, which is just a short walk...