The weather is expected to be partly cloudy to cloudy at times especially Eastward and Southward, with a probability of light rain, forecasted the National Center of Meteorology. There is also a probability of mist formation in western areas with humidity expected at night. Sunday morning is also...
Readers pictures: Rain and overcast skies in Dubai, Sharjah and other parts of the UAE UAE residents will see cloudy skies across the country. The UAE’s National Center of Meteorology warned of “rainy clouds” over northern parts of the country, Dubai, Sh...
vvh'ch they will dispose of reasonably. ( 384 WILLIAM SAUNDERSON, LICENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER, "] C> EGS leave to return his sincere Thanks to - H- l' his Friends and rhe Public, for the li'- eral encourage- ment he has experienced since his commencement in Busi- ness, and hopes, ...