Champions: Return to Armsis virtually identical to the last game -- which is ultimately its greatest flaw. Very little has been added, lending it a stale feeling to the game right from the start. The action is still enjoyable, but seems lacking. Your adventure begins by selecting one of a...
【PS2】诺拉斯战士..华硕 X44H1.不论怎样调一样卡比运行2代还慢,可怜的19-22帧!相近配置就不要浪费时间测了。2.同样按F9 解决只显半屏问题3.截张图等知音解决问题这代很想玩。主角是人形恐龙
The story of Return To Arms takes place shortly after the end of Champions of Norrath, although players need not have played the original title to enjoy this game. After the defeat of the God Innoruuk in Champions, his spirit was shattered into numerous shards and scattered throughout the pla...