游戏名称 champions online 中文译名 勇士 online由Cryptic Studios 工作室在 game tech 引擎上开发,目前由Arc代理,此代理公司还代理了大名鼎鼎的无冬online,星际迷航 online ,火炬之光3。 总体上来说是一个很良心的代理商。作为一款只比wow年轻四岁的小众游戏,目前前仍然不断更新游戏内容,开放特殊活动。游戏以自由...
Play Champions Online: Free for All, a high-action, totally customizable, free-to-play superhero MMORPG.
This was originally a simple test to see if the same modding principles for Star Trek Online also work the same way in Champions Online. Turns out they do! This mod swaps out the song you hear in the starting areas of Millennium City (Westside) with Superman's four-minute long "march...
Play Champions Online: Free for All, a high-action, totally customizable, free-to-play superhero MMORPG.
Let us know what you think of the new C-Store items on the official Champions Online forums. What's New? Vehicle 2.0 Live By CaptainSmirk Wed 19 Mar 2014 11:25:49 AM PDT Vehicle 2.0 We’re happy to announce that Vehicles 2.0 is now live! Players will now be able to upgrade their...
由Cryptic Studios 所研发(曾开发《City of Heroes》、《City of Villains》等作品 ),运用了 Cryptic 引擎的《 Champions Online》(暂译:冠军在线),在 9 月 1 日于北美正式推出。 《 Ch…… TAG标签:时间:09-05 来源:52pk整理 [欧美]英雄网游《勇士在线》公测结束 由雅达利公司旗下Cryptic Studio工作组开发的...
Champions Online, The First True Action MMORPG is now available on Steam worldwide.Champions Online features literally billions of character options allowing total customization, real-time action combat and a richly detailed Champions universe. Combine this with an experienced Cryptic Studios team ...
英雄网游《Champions Online》欧美七月上市 根据英国外电报导,Atari 上周五在一场伦敦活动上,宣布了英雄风格在线游戏《Champions Online》PC 版本将于 7 月 14 日在美国、欧洲上市。 《Champions Online》是款以超级英雄为主题的在线角色扮演游戏,由《城市英雄》研发团队 Cryptic Studios 所研发,而前 Blizzard North ...
360大型在线游戏Champions Online公布 《Champions Online》是由CrypticStudios开发的一款次世代大型在线游戏,游戏将可以在PC与XBOX360之间共同连线对战。 《Champions Online》与其它的在线网络游戏无异,玩家将可在3D游戏世界中、创造个人的英雄,背景故事、体型、服装、能力等,甚至可设计自己的头号敌人的背景故事等,享受...
Champions Online : Free For All is a fantastic F2P option if you've never tried the basic Champions Online. Feb 25, 2011 PC 86 Champions Online might not rise to supreme MMO-excellency, but it's a damn good game nonetheless. If you're waiting for DC Universe to come around...