Elise is a deadly predator who resides within the oldest city of Noxus, a place shuttered place where light cannot reach. She was once a mistress of a powerful noble house before a bite from a nefarious demigod turned her into something completely inhuman: a spider-like creature who loves to...
Riven is a special case at top-lane where she can defeat almost every top laner she’s against but also gets defeated by every top laner she’s against. Playing Riven is like using a sword with two blades on each end. Sometimes it’s fun. You'll want to knock yourself out so you ...
If you want to give her a try, check out ourWild Rift Rivenguide for some tips. Senna This is a woman on a mission, one that sees her, Lucian, and any other Sentinel of Light take on the black mist. Senna is a formidable marksman, much like her husband. Though, thanks to her un...
Tanks like Maokai, Sion, and Ornn are a rare sight in Solo Q. Reptilezero tells us that he would never play a tank in a 1v1 because they are weak against all ranged champions and lack damage. For Reptilezero, the only exception he would make is Ornn, “because of his item buying ...