Before level six, there is hardly anything Malphite can do in his lane, especially since there are a lot of ranged champions popular in the role in the current meta. Make sure you don’t fall behind and keep your farm and experience up until you get your ultimate. Once you do, many o...
Nevertheless, in every season, there are some champions that are simply better in the meta than others. In most cases, they are the most versatile champions who can do bunch of different jobs. Naturally, champs who are best for one role will be different from champs who suit another positio...
The first LoL esports season of 2024 has commenced, bringing about a multitude of changes described as a major upheaval. This season witnessed diverse alterations, including the introduction of the Voidgrub objective in place of the first Rift Herald and changes to...
We think these are the best TFT Champions in the current meta (in no particular order): Gangplank Irelia Jinx Xayah Kayle Miss Fortune Of course, the A & B tier champions are also good to use, but we don’t really recommend you to use the C & D ones, especially not for late-game...
Like his brother, Yone also tends to hover around the top 10 most popular champions, dipping into the higher rankings when the items and meta favor him more. 9– Yasuo Riot Games Yasuo has always remained one of the most popular picks in League of Legends. ...
re: Top 10 worst Champions in League of Legends Fiora: She snowballs hard, however, due to the current meta, she does fall our a little. She's basically an anti-ranged ad carry imo. Heimerdinger: It's hard to lose a lane with him, but he can't really carry a game. I can unders...
Rakan [Utility]:Previously the premiere all-in engage support, nerfs on the speed of his Grand Entrance [W] effectively made it much less of a guaranteed hit. In a high mobility meta, this makes him twice as bad. While landing it can still allow him to do quite a bit, he's essentia...
The defending League of Legends Worlds champions face the defending Mid-Season Invitational champions in a domestic series. They met in a playoff match during the same year they won both of their championships. However, Worlds 2021 champs Edward Gaming took...
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Ah, Brand is probably one of my favorite supports to play simply because he can deal damage even if he's 0-10. A quick fact for you guys is that Brand used to be a mid laner until the AP mage support meta was born. Now Brand is stuck down as support with no way of playing him...