CocktailsChamb' and Bubbly (Chambord Kir Royale)A Chambord Kir Royale is a festive sparkling wine cocktail made with Chambord, a delicious berry-infused liqueur. Cheers to that!By Cambria Bold Cambria Bold Cambria has over 10 years of experience as a director, editor, and writer. She has...
30mlDoubleCream Garnish:Cinnamonstick Servedinabrandyglassfrape 4-CallingBirdsMethod:Shakeanddoublestrain 40mlBuffaloTraceBourbon 25mlChambord 15mlChocolateLiqueur(white) 10mlLemonjuice(freshlypressed) 5mlVanillasyrup 6-8Mintleaves Garnish:Crushedicenestwithraspberry,blackberryandmint Servedinaoldfashionedglassonthe...